In the days of COVID-19 we are finding ourselves constrained and even somewhat inconvenienced. Life has changed. We hope, temporarily. Some are resisting change; some even rebelling against it. Uncertainty is in the air.
It is a shaking—a disturbance of our expected and assumed-as-a-right, status quo. Some idols are falling.
When God allows a shaking it is for these exact purposes.
Before a major volcanic eruption there are usually seismic rumblings and warnings: Shakings! Sensible people move to safe territory, even though it means leaving familiar and even cherished things behind. It creates inconvenience and uncertainty—but it is clearly a time for new priorities and the embracing of a new life, in a place of safety. A time when people discover that what was once cherished was actually holding them in a dangerous place.
When God permits the kind of shaking we are seeing, it is the rumblings—a time to let go some cherished things—idols that have kept us from the place of true safety. It’s HIM. Always has been: Always will be.
A day will come, says God’s word—and Jesus himself warned—when the shakings will become much more serious. That will not be the day to try to get to safety. There is an old hymn that has been singing itself in my head and heart these days—‘In times like these we need an anchor; in times like these we need a saviour...’
Here it is, sung by Albertina Walker—as only a black woman could sing it!