It seems that many have, for years, been over-invested in the 'traditional' but incorrect, site. That investment, which is so fiercely defended, is often emotional, academic, financial and tourist-centred. In my view archaeologists have been reading their 'findings' back into their presuppositions, calling it 'the science' and elevating it above the word of God which tells us where it was!
My approach in 'THE TEMPLE QUEST' is, 'let God be true...'
The massive investment in the so-called 'Temple Mount' misses or is blind to some elementary considerations of Scripture--the most glaring of these being the site embedded in the Jewish psyche, history and culture since the patriarchal period. That site was actually known by everyone as 'The Site' (or The Place), or in Hebrew, HaMakom. Once it is pointed out, you will wonder how you missed it--especially as Hebrew scholars have commented on the repetition and frequency of it in Torah and elsewhere.
It's as though God was ensuring everyone knew (and would know) where the chosen and special location was and was indicating throughout history where His 'house', the Beyt-El (House of God) was to be.
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