That desire is most certainly in the heart of many dear Jewish people, who unfortunately have their hearts set on a Messiah yet to arrive.
He was the One who, among so many other extraordinary sayings, said of His own body (and to those out to get Him), “destroy THIS temple and I will raise it again in three days” (John 2:19).
Messiah Yeshua spoke of the temple of His body, the temple in which the Spirit of God dwelt whilst He was here. After His resurrection and departure there was to be a new house for the Spirit. It was those, who, following Him, were filled with His Spirit at Pentecost and since, to continue the work of making disciples.
That is His temple today. He dwells in a house not made with hands. Among the Jewish people today, there is a growing number coming to recognise and embrace the truth of Yeshua—and themselves become ‘living stones’ in this new temple.
But there are also those who, not having accepted Messiah Yeshua, are determined to build a new, physical temple and restore ritual worship.
For those of them who believe that the ‘traditional’ Temple Mount is the site where it must be built, there is, of course, a serious problem as it is occupied by the Islamic Shrine, The Dome of the Rock and the nearby Mosque of Omar.
My encouragement to every Jewish person is to embrace Messiah Yeshua. But for those who are determined to build—what if the traditional site is not actually where Solomon’s temple (and the later temple/s) stood?
What if they were actually at the site which had become known through biblical time as HaMakom—The Place? A site in the City of David,south of the alleged Temple Mount and above the fabled Gihon Spring where David had housed the Ark of the Covenant and other sacred articles? The site visited by Abraham with Isaac and later by Jacob and many others.
Now--that site would make the building of a proposed temple much easier!
Will it eventuate? Will God allow this—or will Yeshua return before it is possible?
In any case, make sure you read the exciting story of ‘THE PLACE, HaMakom: where Jerusalem’s Temples stood’
Details and availability here.