In your Bible the flow of life that comes from God is represented by ‘living water’—water that is ‘alive’ because it is flowing and not stagnant. It flows, bringing life wherever it goes. It is frequently pictured flowing from the Temple, that is, out from the presence of God.
For the actual Jewish Temples to properly represent this spiritual truth they had to have living water flowing in and from them—and they did! That water was provided by the great spring at Gihon, above which the Temples were constructed. The site at Gihon was known throughout the Bible as HaMakom, THE PLACE. Take a fascinating narrative journey through the Bible discovering the history of HaMakom THE PLACE where Jerusalem’s temples stood.
Buy instantly at https://wipfandstock.com/the-place.html or on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/Place-HaMakom-Where-Jerusalems-Temples/dp/1532630425/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8