In warning of judgement woe to come,
the prophet Isaiah said this...
(Isaiah Chapter 29:1-2 NIV)
‘Woe to you, Ariel, Ariel,
the city where David settled!
Add year to year
and let your cycle of festivals go on.
Yet I will besiege Ariel;
she will mourn and lament,
she will be to me like an altar hearth.’
Ariel in Hebrew means hearth of God*—hearth meaning where a fire is set. Isaiah is of course referring to the altar of sacrifice where the offerings were made and to the cycle of festivals held there.
Playing on words he warns them that the whole city will become like an altar hearth if God sends judgement. (Note that the same Hebrew word, ARIEL, is used of the altar hearth in Ezekiel 43:15 & 16).
It is unequivocal in this passage and context that the ‘hearth’--the altar at the Temple was IN the City where David dwelt--the City of David (see 2 Samuel 5:7&9)--not remote and hundreds of metres up the hill away from the City where David dwelt!
Read 'THE PLACE HaMakom: where Jerusalem's temples stood' for the full story...
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* Ariel can also be translated 'strong lion' but clearly in this context it cannot have that meaning.