Yes, they took them as wives. They SAW and they took. It’s a quote from Genesis 6 and already in these early times there were two streams—just as there are today. Those who, like Abel, followed the inner promptings from God and those, like Cain who were at best half-hearted toward God and preferred to follow their own desires.
It was when those known as sons of God, were tempted, compromised their standards and tried to bring together what did not belong together that they invited God’s displeasure. It was downhill from there until we read later in the chapter, ‘Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. The LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth...’
Read the ensuing history of those known throughout your Bible as the sons of God and those known as the sons of men. It’s an exciting story, told in enthralling style in....
‘THE PEOPLE: the sons of God (through the eyes of a Watcher).’ See availability and some reviews here.