I don’t believe so. For starters, there is no scriptural evidence for gendered angelic beings.
To conclude this is a stretch as the statement in Genesis 6:4 that there were Nephilim in the land is not the conclusion of the statement in 6:2 about marriage of the ‘sons of God’ to the daughters of men. They are two separate statements of fact. It cannot be concluded that one is the result of the other.
The Hebrew word from which Nephilim derives is NAPHAL meaning 'to fall, be cast down, fail' (see Strong’s 5303 and 5307). Note that Young’s Literal Translation states it that way, ‘The fallen ones were in the earth in those days...’
The NEPHILIM were fallen and corrupted men who were committed to following their corrupted desires, away from God.
SO...who were/are 'the sons of God' in the Bible?
Read ‘THE PEOPLE: the sons of God (through the eyes of a Watcher)’ See more details on this site, AND...
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