This old aerial photograph of Jerusalem from about 1910 enables you to distinguish what was the City of David area--the crescent-shaped land running south beside the Kidron Valley near the Gihon Spring.
This is where Solomon's Temple was built, above Gihon (where Solomon was anointed for kingship because the tent with the Ark and the Oil etc was stationed there, marking the sacred spot--see 1 Kings 1:33-34)
The area marked with the big red cross is the much later Fortress Antonia built to house the Tenth Roman Legion.
The Temple of Solomon was not on ‘Temple Mount’…Temple Mount is a modern misnomer!
The Temple of Solomon was IN THE MIDDLE of the City as the Bible states over and over.
Here it is again in Psalm 116:18/19
'I will pay my vows to the Lord
Now in the presence of all His people,
In the courts of the Lord’s house,
In the midst of you, O Jerusalem.' (NKJV emphasis added)
(GWT) ‘in the courtyards of the LORD's house, in the middle of Jerusalem.’
(Aramaic Plain English) ‘In the court of the House of Lord Jehovah and within you, oh Jerusalem!’
(NASV) ‘In the courts of the LORD'S house, In the midst of you, O Jerusalem.’
The Hebrew word is TAVEK meaning middle, midst, within!
How could a building possibly be described as ‘within’ or ‘in the midst’ of the city if it stood 200 metres north of it? The built up area you see in the upper left of the picture is much more modern than in David and Solomon's day. The City of David occupied that crescent-shaped ridge and the land to its west, behind it.
As always (and like the Tabernacle in the Camp of Israel) God’s pesence within the Temple was in the midst of his people!
Read 'THE PLACE HaMakom: where Jerusalem's Temple stood' Click here for Amazon or here for purchase from Publisher.