Artist's impression of City of David in Solomon's time with the Temple on alleged Temple Mount
If you believe that Jerusalem’s temples were located on what became falsely named Temple Mount here are just a few of the questions you must address...
1. Why did Ezekiel say, when describing the glory of the Lord leaving the temple, that it went up from ‘the middle of the city’? (Ezekiel 11:23).
2. Why did Zechariah say, when speaking of the return of God’s glory, ‘Thus said the LORD; I am returned to Zion, and will dwell in ‘the middle of’ Jerusalem’? (Zech. 8:3)
3. Why did the Psalm-writer say that he would offer his worship and thanksgiving in the courts of the Lord’s house, in ‘the middle of Jerusalem’? (See Psalm 116:17-19)
4. Why did David erect a tent for the ark and the anointing oil etc at Gihon?
5. Where is the ‘living’ water that provides a ‘type’ and picture of the life that flows at and from God’s throne and presence?
6. Why did John use the ancient site’s name when writing about the inscription on Jesus’ cross—‘for the place of the city where Jesus was crucified was near; and it was written in Hebrew, Greek, Latin’? (John 19:20 see original Greek and Darby translation).
7. Why did the Samaritan woman use the ancient name when said to Jesus, ‘you Jews say that in Jerusalem is the place where we should worship’? (See John 4:20 in various translations and in the original Greek).
8. Why did David write ‘for the LORD has chosen Zion; he has chosen it as His dwelling place’? (Psalm 132:13)
9. Why did Matthew write (Matthew 4:5) that the tempter ‘took Jesus into the the holy city and set Him on the pinnacle of the temple’ if the temple was not within the city?
10. Why did Nehemiah, whose stated primary concern and objective was the temple (see Nehemiah 2:8) inspect only the southern portion of the area known as the City of David, if the temple was well to the north of it?
Find the answers to these questions and more in
'THE PLACE HaMakom: where Jerusalem's temples stood'