Can you see the distinction David makes here between 'those who fear you' (known elsewhere as the sons of God) and, 'the sons of men' (Hebrew benei adam) before whom the blessings and benefits are dispayed?
Throughout the Bible the distinction between the two groups becomes plain: those who choose not to follow Yahweh are known as the benei adam, whilst those who fear and follow Him are distinguished as benei haElohim—the sons of God.
In ‘THE PEOPLE, the sons of God (through the eyes of a Watcher)’ you will see how the distinction is employed and becomes clear throughout your Bible, right into the New Covenant where the term is also used, for example, by Paul when he describes the whole creation as eagerly awaiting the revealing of ‘the sons of God’ (Romans 8:19, Greek ‘huion tou theou’).
Told in stimulating narrative style by Shaqaad, an angelic Watcher, you will travel through our time sojourn as a fellow-observer with Shaqaad (‘The Wakeful One’) gaining a new perspective on God’s redemptive plan to bring many ‘sons’ to glory!
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