Biblical Evidence for the true location’
This is Ian's latest book, an E-Book, in which he shows, using only the Biblical text, where the temples of Jerusalem stood.
And here’s an excerpt from Marilyn Sams’s Foreword and below, the Chapter Headings
‘Through enlightening discussions of extensive biblical passages, Ian illustrates how the Jews thoroughly understood what "the place" meant to the Jewish psyche or soul, but which most often escapes the modern reader. He clearly proves the location of the temple to be above the Gihon Spring in Jerusalem, and this by using only biblical passages. His ability to tease out new information from familiar scriptures and provide new insights is remarkable and rewarding.’
FOREWORD: Marilyn Sams
1. The Grand Scheme
2. The Patriarchs and Hamakom
3. Competing Bethels: The Bethel of Yaakov—and the ‘Bethel’ of Jeroboam
4. Moses and Hamakom
5. Joshua, Jericho, Ai, and Bethel
6. The Overlooked Importance of Gihon
7. Jebus Becomes Zion and the City of David
8. David, Zion and Hamakom in the Psalms
9. ‘X’ Marks the Spot, and a Threshing Floor Is Declared ‘Bethel’
10. Jeremiah, Hamakom, King Josiah and Bethel
11. The Temple in the Middle of the City!
12. Nehemiah’s Reconnaissance, the Walls, and the Dedication
13. John’s Gospel and Ho Topos (Ha Makom)
THE TEMPLE QUEST can be purchased and downloaded for immediate reading by clicking HERE
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