'....I have felt challenged, in addition to my previous
book, ‘THE PLACE HAMAKOM: Where Jerusalem’s
Temples stood’, in which I used both Biblical and
fictional characters to unfold the story of the site in
narrative style—to now make the case using
evidence exclusively from the Biblical text.
My hope is that this book makes the case even more clearly.
Of key importance are the following factors:
- Recognition that early in the Patriarchal narratives and later, there was growing awareness and use of the Hebrew term hamakom, ‘the place’, with the definite article, in relation to a particular, special, and familiar location.
- The naming by Jacob of the hamakom site as Beyt-El (Bethel) ‘House of God’ was a strategic and prophetic revelation meaning that we should treat it as the authentic Bethel—where God intended to reside.
- Until David in the Biblical narrative, there remains a small element of uncertainty as to hamakom’s true meaning and location, but the stapling of that site by him to Gihon eliminates what doubt remains.
As the reader will learn, there are many other references and factors within the pages of the Bible which go on contributing weight to the side of the scales which argues for the City of David site for the temple of Solomon and the later temples.
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