The word special derives from Latin ‘species’, meaning a kind or sort marked off by difference.
What made the Jews special was that they were marked off by God to fulfil a specific (also from species) purpose in history. This was not because they were particularly better than other groups but rather because Yahweh found in Abraham a man who could be the progenitor of a ‘species’—those who would learn to trust God and be dependent on Him. Of course, it was a rocky journey, but through and from them and their faith-filled champions, Yahweh drew the lineage through which He would become one of us—and defeat sin and death!
It was and is, a remarkable story; one that is now told in a new and ‘special’ style in Ian Heard’s book...
‘THE PEOPLE: the sons of God (through the eyes of a Watcher)’
Get your copy in paperback or Kindle at Amazon Books or from the publisher.